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About the Tour

On October 3rd, we will be cycling from Prague to Potsdam over the course of about 10-12 days. Daily distances will range from 40-80km (depending on the elevation) and will include rest days. For this trip, we are still looking for participants between the ages of 16-27. Train tickets (such as existing Germany tickets, ICE tickets, etc.), accommodation, and basic provisions (at least one warm meal) are financially covered by funding from the MBJS ( We aim to camp as much as possible and visit projects like "Kühlhaus Görlitz" ( along the way, where we will also stay overnight. Additionally, due to weather or for recovery, we will sometimes stay in other accommodations.

What’s important:

  • A bicycle suitable for a longer distance cycling trip

  • Your own camping gear (tent, hammock, sleeping bag, sleeping mat, “travel utensils”)

  • Bicycle travel equipment: rain gear & panniers, repair kit

There will soon be an online meeting for all interested participants to clarify important questions. Signup using the following e-mail address: 

You can find more info about the tour (in English) HERE!

This project is funded by the OFAJ!


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